What's the matter with your backache? How to treat it properly and how to hurt it

A woman's backache

85% reported back pain. How to treat it correctly, can you get rid of the pain once and for all?

Does your back hurt? You are not alone! Sociological research data shows that back pain is the second leading cause of disability in adults after viral infections. She was born with us (according to neonatologists, 80-90% of children will suffer spinal injuries at birth), and sooner or later will surpass everyone. I believe this is the reward for walking upright. Because as a person grows, the load on the "spine" increases, and the existing problems of the spine become more serious. Stress, anxiety, obesity, overload, and a sedentary lifestyle aggravate the existing problems-even inBack pain develops at a very young age.

What's the pain there?

The vast majority (about 95%) of pain is related to muscles, ligaments and joints. This is usually called pull back. These pains are unpleasant, but not dangerous, and in most cases will go away on their own within 2-3 days.

3-4% of pain is related to radiculopathy (radiculitis)-lesions of the root of the spinal cord. It is usually damaged by a hernia. When the swelling caused by the squeezing passes, the pain disappears.

1-2% of back pain is caused by spinal trauma or inflammatory diseases, cancer, cardiovascular system or gastrointestinal diseases, among which the pain syndrome can spread to the back. This is the most dangerous type of back pain. To rule out such pathologies, be sure to consult a doctor.

You can't hesitate

The main indicator of your need for medical care is the regularity of pain. If you are distorted from time to time-most likely, nothing is wrong. If low- or moderate-intensity pain bothers you mercilessly, you can't hesitate. If the pain is accompanied by an increase in body temperature or the pain syndrome worsens during treatment, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

at home

The most effective treatment is oral anti-inflammatory drugs. Just don't overdo it-they are only safe the first time. Long-term use of these drugs can cause gastric mucosal ulcers and bleeding. Traditional home remedies-non-steroidal ointments-can only be used as an additional measure. They are harmless, but ineffective. Wearing a corset can also relieve stress-immobilization can relieve the spine, relieve spasms, and limit sudden movements. Only corsets should be normal-elastic, not warm up.

If the treatment does not work within three days, you should consult a doctor, who will inject anti-inflammatory drugs to block it. By relieving cramps and relaxing muscles, the pain disappears immediately, and usually forever.


Bath and massageUnder the strictest ban. They can increase swelling and pain.

Apply to the chiropractor for advertisement in the newspaper.Manual therapy is a field, and every expert has three hundred swindlers. If you really want to find a good doctor, you should contact a certified clinic where a certified specialist works.

It is important to determine the correct treatment strategy immediately. This should be done by a neurologist or neurosurgeon. It is dangerous to heal the back on your own. 30% of patients in neurosurgery have tried home treatments and therefore brought themselves to hospital beds.

Cut or not?

Until recently, a person diagnosed with a hernia was immediately referred for surgery. Today, surgery is performed only when instructed:

  • Persistent pain that cannot be relieved by any pill;
  • Pelvic dysfunction-incomplete bladder emptying;
  • Weakness and numbness in the legs.

All these symptoms make surgery inevitable, because without it, the patient may become disabled.

Our risk

Because the operation was postponed or abandoned altogether, many patients believed that the risks of the operation were greatly exaggerated. In neurosurgery, there are some techniques that allow you to accurately calculate the effectiveness of the operation and which symptoms will disappear after the operation and which will continue to exist.

The probability of pain recurrence after surgery does not exceed 1-1. 5%. Hernias in other places may indeed occur, but this is not a complication, but the spread of the disease, which often occurs in young patients who lack discipline. Once the pain disappears, they resume their normal lifestyle: drive and continue training. And this is absolutely impossible.

Is osteochondrosis the culprit of everything?

Osteochondrosis is a chronic degenerative dystrophic change of the intervertebral space. All people over 25 years old have signs of osteochondrosis. It is impossible to avoid osteochondrosis, but you can avoid its complications because it can cause back pain.