Cervical back pain

Cervical low back pain — degenerative-degenerative process in the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine, accompanied by the replacement of cartilage tissue, bone, and immobilization of the vertebrae. According to the statistics, those or other degenerative diseases-degenerative changes of the cervical spine are present in about half of people of working age – from 25 to 45 years.

back pain cervical

Causes and risk factors

The anatomical characteristics of the cervical spine will create the preconditions for the early development of degenerative and dystrophic changes. The vertebrae of the cervical segment to offer maximum mobility, perform all types of movements, in full and so subject to premature wear.

On the prevention of cervical arthrosis should reflect even in childhood.

The development of cervical osteoarthritis with a sedentary life-style, particularly the habit of sitting down, stretching his neck forward, which intensifies the pressure on the intervertebral discs, which leads to the deformation and dehydration polosnyj core. The degeneration of cartilage tissue aggravate trophic disturbances due to the constriction of the blood vessels spasserovannye the muscles. A progressive drift of cervical osteoarthritis contribute the following factors:

  • congenital abnormalities structure of the vertebrae;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • autoimmune and connective tissue (rheumatism and systemic lupus erythematosus);
  • torticollis infants;
  • the dysplasia of the head of the hip;
  • flat foot;
  • poor posture and curvature of the spine;
  • traumas and minor injuries of the cervical vertebrae;
  • the smoke and the abuse of alcohol;
  • a long emotional stress;
  • hereditary predisposition.

The development of cervical osteoarthritis also contributes along the intoxication of the body when you stay in an environment of dysfunctional soil, regular contact with harmful substances and availability, chronic foci of infection in the body.

The symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis

In the first stages of the degenerative diseases-degenerative process of the disease is practically asymptomatic. Unpleasant sensations in the neck occur only in sudden movements after a long period of storage, hard sit-in poses and tilted position of the head, or in response to an excessive workload. The development of myositis accompanied by a sense of stiffness, and a clear localization of the pain indicates spasms in the muscles of the neck.

the symptoms

Decompensated cervical low back pain characterized by a persistent discomfort in the neck, habitual muscle tension and limitation of the cervical mobility segment; stimulated the position of the head in part relieves the unpleasant sensations. In curve and bends the head often feels the crunch of the vertebrae. Subluxations of the joints between the vertebrae are crushed, accompanied by an acute burning pain, which is popularly known as a shot, and vegetative disorders: pain, headache, dizziness, darkening in the eyes, the heartbeat, etc Spontaneous to operate a subluxation brings a quick relief.

In the case of the formation of osteophytes and extruded on the back surface of the vertebrae to the common manifestations of cervical arthrosis following are added to the root symptoms of error:

  • headaches localized in the occipital region and the parietal;
  • decrease in the sensitivity of the skin to one side of the neck;
  • slurred speech and numbness of the tongue;
  • the discomfort in the outer surface of the shoulder;
  • respiratory disorders.

With the defeat osteochondrosis third cervical vertebra, at times, there is a reflection kardialgichesky syndrome – a sharp pain in the chest that radiates to the shoulder and the shoulder, causing the association with a heart attack, especially if your painful sensations are accompanied by palpitations. In the case of defeat of the three lower vertebrae pain, and paresthesia spread from the neck to the shoulder, forearm, brush and fingers. Patients may complain of numbness of the upper limbs, burning sensation, tingling or "chills" for the nerves.

The development of cervical osteoarthritis with a sedentary life-style, particularly the habit of sitting down, stretching his neck forward.

Osteophytes, located on the lateral surfaces of the vertebrae, narrowing artery in the spine, causing a complex of violations of cerebral circulation, which is called vertebral artery syndrome. This malocclusion is manifested by frequent attacks of persistent headache, which extends from the nape of the neck on the wine and whisky, giving the eyeballs. In some cases, however, the headaches, celebrates the constant feeling of heaviness in the head. Is stopped is observed independent of symptoms:

  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • attacks heart palpitations and arrhythmias;
  • migrenepodobna one-way buttons headaches, accompanied by photophobia, nausea and vomiting;
  • disorders of thermoregulation (chills, sweating, cold extremities);
  • attacks of dizziness, fainting, and drop-attack;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • the noise and congestion in the ears;
  • reduction of visual acuity and visual disturbances: the darkening and blurry vision, blurred vision, flash, and multi-colored flies before the eyes;
  • sleep disorders;
  • fatigue and emotional lability.


Because of the poor specificity of symptoms and the wide variety of manifestations of the diagnosis of cervical arthrosis occurs in several phases. It starts with the advice of the surgeon, orthopedist, neurologist, vertebrologist. A presumptive diagnosis on the basis of complaints of the patient, from the patient's medical history and results of physical inspection. During the examination of the patient, the doctor draws attention to the mobility of the neck, the sensitivity of the skin and painful area in the cervical segment, and the shoulder girdle, strength, and muscle tone, the manifestation the reflexes of tendons.


To determine the stage of the pathological process, and to identify the complications of the patient's guide to magnetic RESONANCE imaging of the cervical spine. Thanks to the display quality of the hard and soft tissues in the tomograms clearly visible all the signs of cervical osteoarthritis – reduction in height of the intervertebral disc, osteophytes, protrusion, extrusion, and damage to the nerves and blood vessels, calcification of ligaments, pockets of resorption of bone tissue, myositis, and congestion of the muscles.

Doing business economic, you can not stand long in the toe of the foot or keep your hands raised above the head; better to use stairs or stand up on a stool.

In case of unavailability of a magnetic RESONANCE imaging performed an x-ray or a CT scan of the cervical segment to identify osteophytes, osteoarthritis and reduced bone density. The changes of the soft tissues are displayed with the ULTRASOUND; for the research of hemodynamics and the assessment of the degree of damage to the blood vessels during the running osteochondrosis of the cervical prescribed Doppler of neck vessels, and in the case of a suspected violation of the spinal cord – contrast myelography.

The treatment of cervical osteoarthritis

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine requires a comprehensive treatment. During the exacerbations, the main goal of therapy is reduced to alleviate the pain, the relief of the inflammatory process and reconstruction of capillary blood circulation in the affected areas. Patients prescribe pain relievers or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are preferable inhibitors of cyclooxygenase-1 on the basis of diclofenac and nimesulide. When expressed in muscle cramps it is advisable to wear a collar orthopedic; and, if necessary, prescribe anti-spasmodics and muscle relaxants.

When radicular syndromes with a poor response to pharmacological treatment use of x-ray-controlled, the blocks disadvantaged roots, and steroid injections. In order to improve the metabolism in the intervertebral discs and damaged nerve structures showed a rate of exchange of vitamins of group B. Complicated plastic injection, the violation of the spinal cord and refractory pain syndrome need directions to the surgery.

The complete recovery of the intervertebral disc with osteochondrosis it is unlikely, but with the help of timely and adequate therapeutic measures, it is possible to stop or slow the progression degenerative-degenerative process.

As mitigation of acute symptoms begin a course of physiotherapy, which is aimed at the activation of blood flow in damaged areas, and disposal of the products of inflammation. Well demonstrated electrophoresis and fonoforesi, magnetotherapy, amplipuls-therapy shock-therapy of the waves, UHF and diadynamic.

Rapid recovery of the motility of the cervical contribute to lessons in a group PHYSIOTHERAPY, swimming and water aerobics. Do at home: the most effective exercises with osteochondrosis of the cervical do not require special equipment and equipment. Service of a rehabilitation program is designed for 15 to 20 minutes and includes five simple exercises. Each exercise is repeated for 5 times in a slow pace, gradual, gradually increasing the number of reps up to 10-12 times.

  1. Twists and rotation of the head towards the right and towards the left, keeping the same position of the head and shoulders.
  2. The alternating pressure at the front and back of the neck on the palm of the hand with a slight tension in the muscles of the neck.
  3. Inclination of the head, thrown back back, toward the fossa of the jugular and to the side. When you tilt to the right you need to tap the right ear up to the right shoulder, and the left ear – first the left shoulder.
  4. Pressure from the temple to the left on the palm of the left hand, then to the right is the temple to the palm of the right hand.
  5. Tilt the chin towards the neck with a turn of the head, first right, then left.

The means of the people and of the alternative medicine should be treated with great care and co-ordinate their application with the treating physician. In the absence of contraindications, it is possible to undergo a treatment of acupuncture, osteopathy and § irudoterapia; chiropractic strictly contraindicated. Professor of therapy of massage with osteochondrosis of the cervical gives the most encouraging results, without exposing the patient to unnecessary risks.

The possible complications and consequences


In the neck concentrates a large number of nerve vegetative of the plexuses and blood vessels, including the artery, the vertebral, spinal, and nerve. The joints that connect the speakers to the front edge of the vertebrae, prone to distortions and subluxation, and the triangular shape of the holes intervertebral the three lower cervical vertebra increases the probability of infringement of the nerve roots of the bone in the glands and spasserovannye the muscles. As a result, the risk of compression fittings, syndromes with osteochondrosis of the cervical upper, that with the defeat of the other departments of the vertebral column.

In the early stages of the disease complications mainly associated with myositis and muscle spasms. The syndrome of frontal scale muscle develops prolonged crushing the brachial plexus and subclavian artery spazmirovannah front scale muscle. Reflex, the irritation of the nerve fibres vegetative and insufficient blood supply to the muscle tissue manifests with pain in the forearm and hand, which is enriched in an inclined position the head and touch the hand. When the displacement of the large vessels observed in cold and swelling of the limbs.

The appearance of bosses and osteophytes accompanying radicular syndromes, which, in turn, can be complicated violation of the spinal cord. The compression of the spinal cord often causes paralysis of the upper limbs and in severe cases-leads to death because of a strong oppression of respiratory function. Heavy syndrome vertebral artery, which runs in the background of severe ataxia and decompensated neuro dysfunction, the risk of becoming a disability and increases the risk of ischemic stroke and of spinal cord ischemia.


The complete recovery of the intervertebral disc with osteochondrosis it is unlikely, but with the help of timely and adequate therapeutic measures, it is possible to stop or slow the progression degenerative-degenerative process, prevent complications, and maximize the retention of cervical mobility. During the execution osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, complicated, multiple extrusions and compression syndromes, the forecast is more cautious.


On the prevention of cervical arthrosis should reflect even in childhood. The formation of a correct posture, consistent strengthening of your back and nutrition, to help maintain the health of the spine in adulthood. The identification of a child with disorders of posture, flat foot, and the consequences of generic injuries such as stiff neck or dysplasia of the head of the hip, you should not neglect rehabilitation software: many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, the osteochondrosis, are successfully healed before ossification of the skeleton.


If the profession of the patient suggests a sedentary life-style, you need to choose an office chair with ergonomic support for the neck, and the bed linen set to activate an orthopedic mattress and a low pillow stop. Sleeping on sofas and beds, with the tubular mesh is not recommended; better to choose a model with a moderately stiff, smooth surface. During the execution of every 45-60 minutes should do the exercises for the neck, and in the free time to engage in physical activity and more often to walk. Good effect give swimming lessons and aqua aerobics, yoga, qigong and pilates; weights and traumatic sports it is better to exclude. During the lessons, you should avoid sudden movements and keep your back set in a wonderful location. Doing business economic, you can not stand long in the toe of the foot or keep your hands raised above the head; better to use stairs or stand up on a stool. Two-three times a year, it does not hurt to undergo treatment for health-care massage the head, neck and the neck area.

The diet should be a sufficient amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals, if possible, it is advisable to include in the menu, the jelly, the plug load fish and seafood – the sources of natural collagen. Give up bad habits and helps to maintain an active circulation in the intervertebral discs.